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The Social Engagement of Social Science
Volume I, The Socio-Psychological Perspective CONTENTSPreface
Eric Trist and Hugh Murray
Historical Overview: The Foundation and Development of the Tavistock Institute
Introduction to Volume1
A New Social Psychiatry: A World War II Legacy
Hugh Murray The Transformation of Selection Procedures: The War Office Selection Boards (Editorial Note: PDF pages 50, 53, 54, 51, 52, 55,... re-ordered from original text) Harold Bridger The Discovery of the Therapeutic Community: The Northfield Experiments A. T. M. Wilson, Eric Trist and Adam Curle
Transitional Communities and Social Reconnection: The Civil Resettlement of British Prisoners of War  Varieties of Group Process Introduction
J.D. Sutherland Bion Revisited: Group Dynamics and Group Psychotherapy Eléonore Herbert and Eric Trist An Educational Model for Group Dynamics: The Phenomenon of an Absent Leader Eric J. Miller Experiential Learning in Groups I: The Development of the Leicester Model Eric J. Miller Experiential Learning in Groups II: Recent Developments in Dissemination
and Application Gurth Higgin and Harold Bridger The Psycho-Dynamics of an Inter-Group Experience Harold Bridger
Courses and Working Conferences as Transitional Learning Institutions
Gurth Higgin and Gunnar Hjelholt Action Research in Minisocieties
Eric J. Miller and A. K. Rice Task and Sentient Systems and Their Boundary Controls A.K. Rice Individual, Group and Inter-Group Processes
New Paths in Family Studies
John Bowlby
The Study and Reduction of Group Tensions in the Family Douglas Woodhouse
Non-Medical Marital Therapy: The Growth of the Institute of Marital Studies
Elizabeth Bott Spillius
Conjugal Roles and Social Networks Rhona Rapoport and Robert N. Rapoport
Dual-Career Families: The Evolution of a Concept
The Dynamics of Organizational Change
Elliott Jaques Working-Through Industrial Conflict: The Service Department at the Glacier
Metal Company
A.K. Rice The Use of Unrecognized Cultural Mechanisms in an Expanding Machine Shop: With a Contribution to the Theory of Leadership Elliott Jaques
On the Dynamics of Social Structure: A Contribution to the Psychoanalytical Study of Social Phenomena Deriving from the Views of Melanie Klein Isabel Menzies Lyth Social Systems as a Defense Against Anxiety: An Empirical Study of the
Nursing Service of a General Hospital Isabel Menzies Lyth A Psychoanalytical Perspective on Social Institutions
Eric Trist, Gurth Higgin, Hugh Murray and Alexander Pollock
The Assumption of Ordinariness as a Denial Mechanism: Innovation and Conflict in a Coal Mine John Hill and Eric Trist Temporary Withdrawal from Work Under Full Employment: The Formation of
an Absence Culture
Fred Emery Freedom and Justice Within Walls: The Bristol Prison Experiment and an Australian Sequel
The Unconscious in Culture and Society
Eric Trist Culture as a Psycho-Social Process
D. W. Winnicott
Thoughts on the Meaning of the Word Dcmocracy Henry Dicks Notes on the Russian National Character
Fred Emery Latent Content of Television Viewing
Elizabeth Bott Spillius Asylum and Society TOP