..to Tavistock's Anthology Volume III

The  Social Engagement of Social Science
Volume 3, The  Socio-Ecological Perspective


Angyal, A. 1941. Foundations for a Science of Personality .  Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press for the Commonwealth  Fund.

Asch, S.E. 1952. Social Psychology. Englewood Cliffs,  N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Reprinted London: Oxford University Press,  1987.

Chein, 1. 1945. "The Logic of Prediction." Psychological  Review, 53: 175 -79.

______. 1954. "The Environment as a  Determinant of Behavior." Journal of Social Psychology, 39:115-127.

Curle, A. and E.L. Trist. 1947. "Transitional  Communities and Social Reconnection: A Follow-Up Study of the Civil  Resettlement of British Prisoners of War, Parts I and 11." Human  Relations, 1: 42-68, 240-88.

Danziger, K. 1990. Constructing  the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.

Emery, F.E. 1959. Characteristics of  Socio-Technical Systems. Tavistock Institute Document 527. Revised in  The Emergence of a New Paradigm of Work. Canberra: Centre for Continuing  Education, Australian National University, 1978. Also in The Design of  Jobs, edited by L.E. Davis and J.C. Taylor. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.  See also Vol. II, "Characteristics of Socio-Technical Systems," pp.  157-86.

______. 1963. "Second Progress Report on  Conceptualization." Tavistock Institute Document T125.

_______  1993. "Policy: Appearance and Reality." In A Systems-Based Approach to  Policy-Making, edited by Kenyon B. De Greene. Boston: Kluwer; Vol.  III, pp. 488-511.

Emery, F.E. and E.L. Trist. 1960 "Socio-Technical  Systems." In Management Science: Models and Techniques , edited by  C.W. Churchman and M. Verhulst. London: Pergamon. Reprinted in Systems  Thinking, edited by F.E. Emery. 1969. Harmondsworth:  Penguin.

______ 1965a. "The Causal Texture of Organizational  Environments. Paper presented to the XVII International Psychology  Congress, Washington, D.C., 1963. Reprinted in Sociologie du  Travail 4:64-75; Human Relations, 18:21-32, 1965; Vol. III, pp-  53-65.

_______. 1965b. "Restatement of Editorial Policy." Human  Relations, 18:3-4.

Emery, M. Vol. III. "The Search Conference:  Design and Management of Learning with a Solution to the 'Pairing'  Puzzle," pp. 389-412.

Farr, R.M. 1993. "Sociological and  Psychological Forms of Social Psychology: A Historical Perspective." British Psychological Society Newsletter, 29:1  1-22.

Feibleman, J.K. and J.W. Friend. 1945. "The Structure and  Function of Organization." Philosophical Review, 54:19-44.  Reprinted in Systems Thinking: Selected Readings , edited by F.  Emery. London: Penguin, 1969.

Gibson, J.J. 1979. The Ecological  Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton  Mifflin.

Heider, F. 1930. "Die Leistung des Wahrenehmungssystems."  Zeitschrift fur P "The Function of the Perceptual System." 1959. Psychological Issues, I:35-52.

Herbst, P.G. 1962. Autonomous Group Functioning: An Exploration in Behaviour Theory and  Measurement. London: Tavistock Publications.

Jaques E. 1951. The Changing Culture of a Factory. London: Tavistock Publications.  Reissued New York: Garland, 1987. Chapter 4 revised, see Vol. I,  "WorkingThrough Industrial Conflict," pp. 379-404.

Laing, R.D.  1959. The Divided Self. London: Tavistock Publications. Reprinted  New York: Pantheon, 1969.

Lewin, K. 1933. "Environmental Forces in  Child Behavior and Development." In Handbook of Child Psychology, edited by C. Murchison. 2nd edition. Worcester, Mass.: Clark University  Press.

_______. 1938. Conceptual Representation and Measurement  of Psychological Forces. Durham, N.C.: Duke University  Press.

_______. 1947. "Frontiers in Group Dynamics."Human  Relations, 1: 5-41, 143-53.

Rice, A.K. 1951. "Some Unrecognized  Cultural Mechanisms in an Expanding Machine Shop." Human  Relations,, 4:143-60. Vol. I, "The Use of Unrecognized Cultural  Mechanisms in an Expanding Machine Shop, pp. 405- 19.

Rosen, R.  1978. "Review of Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems." International Journal of General Systems, 4:266-69.

Sapir,  E. 1927. "The Impact of Culture on Personality." In Selected Writings, edited by D.G. Mandelbaum. Berkeley: University of California  Press.

Shaw, R. and M. Turvey. 1981. "Coalitions as Models for  Ecosystems." In Perceptual Organization, edited by M. Kubovy and  J.R. Pomerantz. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Sommerhoff, G.  1950. Analytical Biology. London: Oxford University  Press.

_______. 1969. "The Abstract Characteristics of Living  Systems." In Systems Thinking: Selected Readings, edited by F.E.  Emery, 1969. Rev. edition, 1981. Harmondsworth:  Penguin.

Sutherland, J.D. 1985 "Bion Revisited: Group Dynamics and  Group Psychotherapy." In Bion and Group Psychotherapy, edited by M.  Pines. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Shortened, Vol. I, pp. 118 -  40.

Trist, E.L. 1950. "Culture as a Psycho-Social Process." Paper  presented to the Anthropological Section, British Association for the  Advancement of Science. Vol. I, pp- 539-45.

_______. 1964. Social Research and a National Policy for Science. London:  Tavistock Institute.

Trist, E.L. and K.W. Bamforth. 1951. "Some  Social and Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of  Coal-Getting." Human Relations, 4:3-38. Shortened, Vol. II, "The  Stress of Isolated Dependence: The Filling Shift in the Semi-Mechanized  Longwall Three-Shift Mining Cycle," pp. 64-83.

Trist, E.L. and F.E.  Emery. 1965. "Restatement of Editorial Policy." Human Relations, 18:3-4.

von Bertalanffy, L. 1950. "The Theory of Open Systems in  Physics and Biology." Science, 3:22-29.

Wilson, A.T.M., E.L.  Trist and A. Curle. 1952. "Transitional Communities and Social  Reconnection: The Civil Resettlement of British Prisoners of War." In Readings in Social Psychology, edited by G.E. Swanson, T.E. Newcomb  & E.L. Hartley. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Vol. I, pp. 88 -  111.
