Employee-Driven Systems for Safe Behavior: Integrating Behavioral and Statistical Methodologies - Very readable theory and practice of a
behavior-based approach to achieve "quality-like" continuous improvement in safety by Thomas Krause; 1995 Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY.
"Benefits of a Participatory Safety and Hazard Management Program
in a British Columbia Forestry and Logging Organization" - Case study of
sustained improvement in safety by employees' directly participating in distinct decision-making areas affecting logging operation by Bert Painter and Thomas Smith, 1986; BertPainter@moderntimesworkplace.com
Managing For World Class Safety- Comprehensive research at a sample of the world's safest companies has yielded a significant new model of safety management, with powerful instruments to assess
key safety practices and critical intangibles like management commitment, worker involvement, and the quality of the safety organization by J. M. (Jim) Stewart 2002; Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, N.Y.