"Union-Management Relationship-Building: A Primer" -Within the context
of a labor relations systems model, a review of the main processes used to (re)build union-mamagement relationships. (See the DVD Video: Transforming Labour Relations
) by Bert Painter, 1996,
"A Comprehensive Model for Understanding and Implementing Workplace Change and Improving Labor-Management Relations" - Valuable analysis that can help sustain work innovation, by integrating labor-management relations strategies and organizational development
by Mark Alexander, 1998,
Mutual Gains: A Guide to Union-Management Cooperation - Techniques available to unions and management that range from strategic scanning to environmental
committees by Cynthia Burton and Edward Cohen-Rosenthal, 1993; ILR Press, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Unions, Management, and Quality:
Opportunities for Innovation and Excellence - Historical perspective of unions' role in the quality movement, with
insightful lessons and numerous contemporary case-study examples by Edward Cohen-Rosenthal, 1995; Co-published with the Association for Quality and Participation.
The High Performance Paradigm's Implications for Industrial Relations as a Field - Critique of the literature on high performance work; criteria like industrial democracy to be used in addition to measures
of firm performance in evaluating the new paradigm by John Godard and John Delaney, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 53, April 2000.
On the Paradigm Guiding Industrial Relations Theory and Research - Identifies the need to adapt the industrial relations paradigm for the future, recognizing the instability of the boundaries of the individual
firm in strategic decision-making, and the increasingly important role of capital markets and public policy by Thomas Kochan, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 53, July 2000.
The Mutual Gains Enterprise: Forging a Winning Partnership among Labor, Management, and Government - A comprehensive summary and insightful analysis of the degree of workplace innovation taking
place in the United States by Tom Kochan and Paul Osterman; 1994 Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Contract & Commitment: Employment Relations in the New Economy -
valuable case studies of how major restructuring has been conducted, mainly in the 1990's, and mainly in the traditional industrial relations system, by large Canadian employers (e.g. Bell Canada, CP Rail, GM, Petro-Canada) and strong unions (e.g. CEP, USWA, CAW, CUPW); with evidence that, where applied, 'high performance' practices have led to the most positive performance, and that effective workplace change depends, above all, on the social context--the culture, trust, and commitment to genuine innovation
ed. by Anil Verma
& Richard Chaykowski, 1999 IRC Press, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Strategic Negotiations:
Theory of Change in Labor-Management Relations - In the competitveness era, three fundamental strategies are being deployed to renegotiate the social-industrial contract
by Richard Walton, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, and Robert McKersie, 1994 Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, Mass. "
Establishing and Sustaining Effective Communications between Labour and Management"
- Report on the continuing and 'open dialogue' process in the relationship between
SaskEnergy and the Communication, Energy & Paperworkers Union in Saskatchewan, Canada by Tom Ryberg & Robert Haynes, Presentation, Vancouver, 2000.