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The Distributed Mind: Achieving High Performance Through the Collective Intelligence of Knowledge Work Teams
- Guidebook for organizational development in the New Economy
by Kimball & Mareen Fisher,  AMACOM, New York, 1998.

Managing Virtual Teams
- full of tips about how to support virtual teams, and how to develop a virtual organization
by Lisa Kimball, Presentation to Team Strategies Conference, 1997.
Teams & Technology
Don Mankin, Susan Cohen & Tora Bikson,  Harvard Business School Press, 1996.
"Beyond Teams"
- The Why, What & How of developing Group/Team-based Work
by Bert Painter, Presentation Notes, 2002.
No More Teams!: Mastering the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration
- Excellent resource to clarify the nature, tool, and development of Collaboration as a the process of shared creation, when people realize that they can' do it themselves
by Michael Schrage, Doubleday, NY., 1989.
Team-Based Organizations: Developing a Successful Team Environment
by James Shonk, Irwin, Homewood, IL.,1992.
" Muli-disciplinary Teamworking: Indicators of Good Practice"
- Based upon research in the Scottish educational and health care systems, this paper highlights key factors which support and inhibit multi-disciplinary working
by Valerie Wilson & Anne Pirrie, Scottish Council for Research in Education, 2000.