"These  video programs provide a fascinating insight into a  model
 for the successful corporation of the  future."

    - Dr. Richard J. Long
Professor of Industrial Relations &  Organizational Behaviour,
University of Saskatchewan   Canada



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the newest  MODERN  TIMES  Production!

    The 2006 SILVER SCREEN Award Winner
International Film and Video Festival, Los Angeles CA
                           The World's Leading Competition for
                 Business &Television Informational Productions

This award-winning series of documentaries makes visible the possibility of developing high performance, high integrity work organizations. Filmed in-action at Service and Manufacturing worksites across North America, the stories are told with unique credibility and candor by workers and managers who have created their own new work-a-day world.

All new program releases and most prior programming are now available in DVD format. Original documentary material is also still available in VHS format. For previews, see the right-hand column of this web page.

New DVD Collection:
Now available in DVD format is a new set of seven (7) Programs with Premium Menus that allow users to focus on (5-10 minute) segments that highlight specific dimensions of workplaces designed for modern times. For more information, click on this link to our DVD Collection. 

Background Material:
With each video in this series, there is detailed documentation of historical and technical background that is accessible off this website in a PDF file--Click on the "Printed Material"/Acrobat Reader icon beside each program.

Target Audiences:
The programs are designed for leaders in management and labor who are exploring the general possibility and specific options for transforming their workplace and their labor relations. Any management or labor group that is open to new thinking can use these documentaries of real-life change to stimulate discussion about the desired future of their own workplace or labor-management relationship.

The videos help all employees visualize a different future, through the experience of peers who model new roles and new practices for workers, supervisors, managers, and union representatives. This video series is also used by students in a variety of university and college settings, (undergraduate, masters, executive programs). Feedback has been very positive, as the theory of high integrity, high performance workplaces is made so much more real.

New Film: - The Future of Work - in development
Modern Times Productions has currently under development a documentary series about "The New World of Work", that tells the profoundly human story of how modern information and communication technology has given us the choice to organize work in highly cost-efficient ways that provide simultaneously the human benefits of freedom, creativity, and flexibility.

This is an international production about the "future of work" that is emerging globally. Embedded in this story are challenges and opportunities for individual workers and citizens, new models of management for leaders, and new roles for institutions, putting human values at the center of our thinking about business.

For further information or to inquire about how you can participate in this exciting project, please contact us by phone or e-mail.