.. ..to Trist's Biography PUBLICATIONS of Eric L. Trist 1936
With Virginia Trist. A Glance at Grey Lodge clubs; from a psychologistÕs point of view. Reprinted from the Forty-Eighth annual report of the Dundee Social Union and Grey Lodge settlement.
Short tests of low-grade intelligence, III. Occupational Psychology, Volume XV Number 3.
With Virginia Trist. The quality of mental test performance in intellectual
deterioration. Reprinted from ÒDiscussion on the quality of mental test performance in intellectual deterioration,Ó Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, March 1943, Vol. XXXVI, No. 5, 243-249.
With Virginia Trist. Psychiatric studies of unemployment.(Title page missing.)
With J.D. Sutherland. Preliminary technical appreciation of the problem of
selecting higher grade civil servants during the reconstruction period (Tavistock Document No. T423). London: Tavistock Institute.
With A.T.M. Wilson and A. Curle. Transitional communities and social reconnection: A study of the civil resettlement of British prisoners of war. Human Relations, I(l), 42-68.
With A.T.M. Wilson and A. Curle. Transitional communities and social reconnection: A study of the civil resettlement of British prisoners of war. Human Relations,I(2), 240-90.
With K.W. Bamforth. Some social and psychological consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal-Getting. Human Relations, 4(l), 3-38.
With A.K. Rice. Institutional and sub-institutional determinants of change in labour turnover. (The Glacier Project- VIII). Human Relations, 5(4), 34771.
With A.T.M. Wilson & A. Curle. Transitional communities and social reconnection: A study of the civil resettlement of British prisoners of war. In
G.E. Swanson, T.M. Newcomb, & L.E. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in social psychology (pp. 561-579). New York: H. Holt & Co.
Some observations on the machine face as a socio-technical system (Tavistock Document No. 341). London: Tavistock Institute.
An area training school in the National Coal Board (Tavistock Document
No. 342). London: Tavistock Institute.
Area organization in the National Coal Board (Tavistock Document No. 343). London: Tavistock Institute.
With E.L. Herbert. The institution of an absent leader by a Students' Discussion Group. Human Relations, 6(3), 215-45.
With J.M.M. Hill. A consideration of industrial accidents as a means of
withdrawal from the work situation. Human Relations, 6(4), 357-80.
A policy appreciation of management development. London: Tavistock/ Unilever Ltd.
With J.M.M. Hill. Changes in accidents and other absences with length of service. Human Relations, 8(2), 121-52.
Work organization at the Coal Face: A comparative study of mining
systems (Tavistock Document No. 506). London: Tavistock Institute.
With B. Semeonoff. Diagnostic performance tests London: Tavistock Publications.
With C. Sofer. Exploration in group relations. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
On socio-technical systems. An Open University lecture jointly sponsored
by the Departments of Engineering and Psychology at the University of Cambridge, November 18.
With G.W. Higgin & F.E. Emery. Communications in the National Farmers' Union. London: National Farmers'Union.
With H. Murray. Organisation de Travail dans les Tailles, Etude Comparative des Methods d'Exploitation Minere. Bulletin CERP, 8(4).
With H. Murray. Adoption Progressive dÕune Organisation de Travail en Equipe. Bulletin CERP, 9(2),153-64.
Introduction. In W. Brown (Ed.), Explorations in management (p. 36). London: Heinemann.
Social structure and psychological stress. In J.M. Tanner (Ed.), Stress and psychiatric disorder. Proceedings of the Second Oxford Conference of the Mental Health Research Conference. Oxford: Blakely Scientific
With F.E. Emery. Socio-technical Systems. In C.W. Churchman & M. Verhurst (Eds), Management Science, Models and Techniques (Vol. 2, pp. 83-97). London: Pergamon Press.
With H. Murray. Dispositions de Prendre en Vue dÕune Mecanisation plus Pousee. Bulletin CERP, 10(l), 36-53.
Central management courses in a large organization. London: Tavistock/ Unilever Ltd.
The emergence of system theory in the study of organizations (Inaugural lecture in Tavistock theoretical series presented at the Royal Society of
Medicine) (Tavistock Document No. T40). London: Tavistock Institute.
With H. Bridger. Human relations training in Europe. Report of the First International Meeting, IMEDE, Lausanne.
With G.W. Higgin, H. Murray, & A.B. Pollock. Organizational choice: Capabilities of groups at the coal face under changing technologies. London: Tavistock Publications.
With Sir Hugh Beaver. Social research and a national policy for science: A paper of the Council of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (Tavistock Pamphlet No. 7). London: Tavistock Institute.
Wider Organizational Networks and Their Environments. Working Paper, Third Social Science of Organizations Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA (June).
A strategy for depth research on British planning processes. Working Paper, Minnowbrook Conference, University of Syracuse (July).
The need of the social psychiatrist to influence wider social networks and
their environments (Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Psychotherapy, London, August). Acta Psychotherapeutica, 12(6).
With E. Thorsrud and F. Emery. Industrielt Demokrati. Oslo:
Contribution to Symposium on Community Psychiatry. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1(4).
With F.E. Emery. The causal texture of organizational environments. Human Relations, 13(l), 21-32.
Sponsor's contribution to Symposium on Conflict Resolution. Proceedings
of Cambridge Conference on Operational Research and the Social Sciences. London: Tavistock Publications.
Contribution to the Proceedings of the CIBA Foundation Conference on
Conflict in Society. London: Churchill.
The relations of concepts of welare and development in pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial societies: A systems theory and sociocultural
analysis. Theme paper for the seminar on Welfare and Development Programmes, Canadian Centre for Community Studies, Ottawa (November).
Engaging with large scale systems. Paper presented at the Douglas
McGregor Memorial Conference, MIT (November).
The professional facilitation of planned change in organizations. In Proceedings, International Association of Applied Psychology XVIth
International Congress, Amsterdam,
With D. Armstrong. Social science activities in eight target countries. In Main Trends in the Social and Human Sciences. Paris: UNESCO.
Key aspects of environmental relations In B.M. Gross (Ed.), Monograph on appraising administrative capability for development planning (pp. 9 1 - 97). New York: Division of Public Administration, United Nations.
Social aspects of science policy. Background paper for Round Table on Social Aspects of Science Policy, University of Toronto. Senate of Canada, Proceedings of the Special Committee on Science Policy (pp.
4794-4820). Ottawa: Queen's Printer.
Social research institutes: Types, structure, scope. International Social Science Journal 22(2), 322-359.
Organisation et Systeme. R. franc. Sociol, XI-XII. No. Spec. Analyse de systernes en sciences sociales, 123-139.
Science policy and development of research in the social sciences: The
organizing and financing of social research. Section 3 in Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences (pp. 695-811). Paris: Mouton/ UNESCO. (Also published as a separate monograph)
Urban North America: The challenge of the next thirty years. Journal of the Town Planning Institute of Canada .10(3), 1-20.
Critique of scientific management in terms of socio-technical theory.
Prakseologia, 39-40, 159-74.
Management and organization development in public enterprises and government agencies. In Modern Management Techniques in Developing Countries. New York: United Nations.
Epilogue. In C.P. Hill. Towards a new philosophy of management. London: Gower Press.
The human intake system: A socio-psychological and socio-ecological
appreciation in a futures perspective. Management and Behavioral Science Center document, University of Pennsylvania.
With C. Dwyer & T. Gilmore. Planning and designing for juvenile justice.
Washington, DC: LEAA.
Types of output mix in research organizations. In A. Cherns (Ed.), Social science and government (pp. 10 1 - 14 1). London: Tavistock.
With F.E. Emery. Towards a social ecology: Contextual appreciations of the future in the present. London: Plenum.
The planning process in university medical centers. Working Papers,
Management and Behavioral Science Center, University of Pennsylvania.
Work improvement and industrial democracy. Theme paper for EEC
Conference on Work Organization, Technology and Motivation, EEC, Brussels.
Planning in an era of change and uncertainty. Keynote Address, 21st
Anniversary Conference, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (June).
Labor-management committees and the quality of working life in
Jamestown, N.Y. Working Papers I & 2, University of Pennsylvania, Management and Behavioral Science Center.
With L.E. Davis. Improving the quality of working life: Socio-technical case
studies. In J. OÕToole (Ed.), Work and the quality of life, resource papers for work in America (pp. 246-284). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
The new work ethic in Europe and America. The Franklin Foundation
Lecture Series. Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University Press.
Planning the first steps toward quality of working life in a developing
country. In L.E. Davis, A.B. Cherns, & Associates, The quality of working life, Vol. 1. Problems, prospects and the state of the art (pp. 78-85). New York: Free Press.
Engaging with large scale systems. In A.W. Clark (Ed.), Experimenting with organizational life (pp. 43-57). London: Plenum.
Action research and adaptive planning. In A.W. Clark (Ed.), Experimenting
with organizational life (pp. 223-236). London: Plenum.
The culture of the post-industrial society. In R. Dubin (Ed.), Work organization and society (pp. 1011-1033). New York: Macmillan.
Critique of scientific management in terms of socio-technical theory. In M. Wier (Ed.), Job satisfaction: Challenge and responses in modern Britain (pp. 81-90). London: Fontana.
A Concept of organizational ecology. Bulletin of National Labour Institute (New Delhi), 12, 483-496.
A concept of organizational ecology. Australian Journal of Management, 2(2), 162-75.
Collaboration in work settings: A personal perspective. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 13, 268-278.
With G.I. Susman & G.R. Brown. An experiment in autonomous working in
an American underground coal mine. Human Relations 30(3), 201-236.
Employment alternatives for the eighties. Papers presented at the Urban
Seminar Six on Public Enterprises and Government Agencies, Toronto Social Planning Council (November).
Developing an adaptive planning capability in public enterprise and
government agencies. In J.W. Sutherland (Ed.), Management handbook for public administrators (pp. 389-422). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
The environment and systems response capability: a futures perspective. Keynote Address at First European Forum on Organization Development, Aachen (November).
With J. Eldred & R. Keidel. A new approach to economic development. Human Futures ](1), 1-12.
On socio-technical systems. In W.A. Pasmore & J.J. Sherwood (Eds.),
Sociotechnical systems: A sourcebook (pp. 43-57). La Jolla, CA: University Associates.
The quality of working life and organizational development. Keynote
address, First International Conference on Organizational Development, Toronto (October).
New directions of hope. Rejional Studies, 13, 439-451.
New Concepts of Productivity. Paper presented at the Ottawa Conference on Shaping Canada's Future in a Global Perspective (August).
With S. Burgess. Multiple deprivation: A human and economic approach.
Linkage 3, 8-9.
Adapting to a changing world. In G. F. Sanderson (Ed.), Industrial Democracy Today. New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
A framework for analyzing the international work environment. In G.F. Sanderson (Ed.), Industrial democracy today. New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
Employment alternative for the eighties. In Proceedings, Urban Seminar Six on Public Enterprises and Government Agencies (pp. 152-172). Toronto: Toronto Social Planning Council.
With R. Keidel. Decline and revitalization: The Jamestown experience. In D. Morley et al. (Eds.), Making cities work: The dynamics of urban innovation. London: Croom Helm.
Networking for social change. In D. Morley et al. (Eds.), Making cities work: The dynamics of urban innovation. London: Croom Helm. '
With C. Pava. Project network-Labor management co-operation in the
public sector: Developments in 10 American cities. Management and Behavioral Science Center document, University of Pennsylvania.
The professional facilitation of planned change in organizations. In T.
Johnstad (Ed.), Group dynamics in society. Cambridge, MA: Oelgeschlages, Gunn and Hain.
The quality of working life and organizational improvement. Chemistry in Canada, 32(6), 33-37.
The environment and systems response capability - A futures perspective. Futures (April), pp. 113-127.
The evolution of socio-technical systems: A conceptual framework and an
action research program. Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Labour. (Also published in A. Van de Ven & W. Joyce [Eds], Organization design and performance. New York: Wiley-Interscience.)
The quality of working life and organizational improvement. In R. Dorion (Ed.), Adapting to a changing world. Ottawa: Labour Canada.
QWL and the 80s. Closing address to the International Conference on
QWL and the 80's, Toronto, August.
With D. Morley. Children: Our number one resource. A Report on the Saskatchewan Search Conference on Day Care, Cooperative College of Canada, Saskatoon (June).
With P. Bradshaw. Feasibility of QWL. Projects in the Sudbury Region. Occasional Paper, Ontario QWL Centre, Toronto.
With L. Clarke. Sudbury 2001: An evolutionary analysis. Occasional Paper,
Ontario QWL Centre, Toronto.
With W. Westley. QWL in the federal public service. Ottawa: Labour Canada.
With C. Dwyer. The limits of laissez-faire as a socio-technical change
strategy. In R. Zager & M. Rosow (Eds.), Innovative organizations: Productivity programs in action (pp. 149-183). New York: Pergamon.
With H. Bridger, S.G. Gray, & N. Sanford. The early years of the Tavistock Institute. Paper presented at the Academy of Management, History of Management Division, New York (August).
QWL and the 80's. In H. Kolodny & H. van Beinum (Eds.), The quality of working life and the 1980Õs. New York: Praeger.
Afterword. In C.H.P. Pava, Managing new office technology: An
organizational strategy. New York: Free Press.
Epilogue. In J.T. Ziegenfuss, Patients'rights and organizational models: Sociotechnical systems research on mental health programs. Washington,
DC: University Press of America.
Referent organizations and the development of inter-organizational domains. Human Relations, 36(3), 269-284.
Preface. In B. Cunningham & T. White (Eds.), Quality of working life: Contemporary cases. Ottawa: Labour Canada.
Working with Bion in the 1940s: The group decade. In M. Pines (Ed.), Bion
and group psychotherapy. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Intervention strategies for inter-organizational domains. In R. Tannenbaum
et al. (Eds.), Human systems development: New perspectives on people and organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
With Hugh Murray. The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock
Anthology. Vol. I The Socio-Psychological Perspective. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press.
With Hugh Murray. The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock
Anthology. Vol. II The Socio-Technical Perspective. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press.
With Fred Emery and Hugh Murray. The Social Engagement of Social
Science: A Tavistock Anthology. Vol. III The Socio-Ecological Perspective. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press. TOP |