..to Tavistock's Anthology Volume II

The  Social Engagement of Social Science
Volume II
 The  Socio-Technical Systems Perspective


Ackoff, R.L. and F.E. Emery. 1972. On Purposeful Systems. Chicago: AldineAtherton.

Baldamus, W. 1951, "Types of Work and  Motivation." British Journal of Sociology, 2:44-58.

_____  1961. Efficiency and Effort: An Analysis of Industrial  Administration. London: Tavistock Publications.

Bateson, G.  1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. San Francisco:  Chandler.

Bell, D. 1956. Work and Its Discontents. Boston:  Beacon Press.

Bion, W.R. 1946. "The Leaderless Group Project." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 10:.77-81.

_____ 1950.  "Experiences in Groups V." Human Relations, 3:3-14.

_____  1961. Experiences in Groups and Other Papers. London: Tavistock  Publications; New York: Basic Books.

Buurs, T. and G. M. Stalker.  1961. The Management of Innovation. London: Tavistock  Publications.

Clegg, H. 1960. Industrial Democracy. Oxford:  Blackwell.

Davis, L.E. 1957. "Toward a Theory of Job Design." Journal of Industrial Engineering, 8:19-23.

Davis, L.E.,  R.R. Canter and J. Hoffman. 1955. "Current Job Design Criteria." Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6:5-II.

Davis, L.E. and  A.B. Cherns. 1975. The Quality of Work Life, Vols. I and II. New  York: Free Press.

Davis, L.E., F.E. Emery and P.G. Herbst. 1965. Papers from the Socio-Technical Theory Project. London: Tavistock  Institute Document.

Emery, F. E. 1952. The Deputy's Role in the  Bolsover System of Continuous Mining . London: Tavistock Institute  Document 527.

_____1959. Characteristics of Socio-Technical  Systems. London: Tavistock Institute Document 527. Revised in The New  Paradigm of Work. Canberra: Centre for Continuing Education, Australian  National University, 1978. Also in Design of Jobs, edited by L.E. Davis  and J.C. Taylor. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. Vol II, pp.  157-86.

.______1967. "The Next Thirty Years: Concepts, Methods and  Anticipations." Human Relations, 20:199-237.

_______. 1976. Futures We Are In. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. Chapter 4 reproduced  in part, Vol. II, "The Second Design Principle: Participation and the  Democratization of Work," pp. 214-33.

_______. 1978. The  Emergence of a New Paradigm of Work. Canberra: Centre for Continuing  Education, Australian National University.

Emery, F.E. and M.  Emery. 1974. Participative Design: Work and Community Life.  Canberra: Centre for Continuing Education, Australian National University.  Revised in Vol. II, "The Participative Design Workshop," pp. 599-  613.

Emery, F.E. and J. Marek. 1962. "Some Socio-Technical Aspects  of Automation." Human Relations, 15: 17-26.

Emery, F.E. and  E. Thorsrud. 1993. Vol. II, "The Norskhydro Fertilizer Plant," pp.  492-507.

Emery, F.E. and E.L. Trist. 1963. "The Causal Texture of  Organizational Environments." Paper presented to the International  Psychology Congress, Washington, D.C. Reprinted in La Sociologie du  Travail, 1964, and in Human Relations, 18:21 - 32,  1965.

_______ 1972/73. Towards a Social Ecology: Contextual  Appreciation of the Future in the Present. London/New York: Plenum  Press.

Fensham F. and D. Hooper. 1964. Changes in the British  Rayon Industry. London: Tavistock Publications.

Goodman, P. S.  1979. Assessing Organizational Change: The Rushton Quality of Work  Experiment. New York: Wiley.

Heider, F. 1942. "On Perception,  Event Structure and Psychological Environment." Psychological  Issues, 1, #2.

Herbst, P.G. 1962. Autonomous Group  Functioning: An Exploration in Behaviour Theory and Measurement. London: Tavistock Publications.

______ 1976. Alternatives to  Hierarchies. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.

Hertzberg, F., B.  Mausner and B. Snyderman. 1959. The Motivation to Work. New York:  John Wiley.

Hill, C.P. 1971. Towards a New Philosophy of  Management: The Company Development Programme of Shell U.K. London:  Gower Press. Excerpted, Vol. II, P. Hill and F. Emery, "Toward a New  Philosophy of Management," pp. 259-82.

Jaques, E. 1951. The  Changing Culture of a Factory. London: Tavistock Publications.  Reissued 1987, New York: Garland.

______ 1956. Measurement of  Responsibility: A Study of Work, Payment and Individual Capacity . New  York: Dryden.

Jennings, H. 1947. "Leadership and Sociometric  Choice." Sociometry, 10:32-49.

Jordan, N. 1963. "Allocation  of Functions Between Men and Machines in Automated Systems." Journal of  Applied Psychology, 47: 161-65.

King, S.D.M. 1964. Training  Within the Organization: A Study of Company Policy and Procedures for the  Systematic Training of Operators and Supervisors. London: Tavistock  Publications.

Lewin, K. 1939. "Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in  Experimentally Created Social Climates." Journal of Social  Psychology, 10:271-99.

_______ 1951. Field Theory in Social  Science: Selected Theoretical Papers. New York: Harper and  Row.

McLuhan, M. 1964. Understanding Media. New York:  McGraw-Hill.

Melman, S. 1958. Decision-Making and  Productivity. Oxford: Blackwell.

Menzies, I.E.P. 1960. "A Case  Study in the Functioning of Social Systems as a Defence Against Anxiety." Human Relations, 13:95-121. Vol. I, In Menzies Lyth, "Social  Systems as a Defense Against Anxiety: An Empirical Study of the Nursing  Service of a General Hospital," pp. 439- 62.

Miller, E.J. 1959.  "Territory, Technology and Time: The Internal Differentiation of Complex  Production Systems." Human Relations, 12:243-72; also Tavistock  Institute Document 526. Vol. II, pp. 385-404.

______. 1975.  "Socio-Technical Systems in Weaving, 1953-1970: A Follow-up Study." Human Relations, 28:349-86. Revised, Vol. II, "The Ahmedabad  Experiment Revisited: Work Organization in an Indian Weaving Shed,  1953-1970." pp. 130--56.

Miller, E.J. and A.K. Rice. 1967. Systems of Organization. London: Tavistock  Publications.

Mumford, L. 1934. Technics and Civilization.  Revised edition 1963. New York: Harcourt.

Murray, H. 1960. Studies in Automated Technologies. London: Tavistock Institute  Document.

______ 1990. Vol. I, "The Transformation of Selection  Procedures: The War Office Selection Boards," pp. 45-67.

Murray, H.  and A. C. Trist. 1969. Work Organization in the Doncaster Coal  District. London: Tavistock Institute Document.

Nadel, S.F.  1951. The Foundations of Social Anthropology. Glencoe, Ill.: Free  Press.

O'Toole, J. (Editor). 1974. Work and the Quality of Life:  Resource Papers for "Work in America." Cambridge, Mass.: MIT  Press.

Pollock, A.B. 1954. Retail Shop Organization . London:  Tavistock Institute Document.

Rice, A.K. 1953. "Productivity and  Social Organization in an Indian Weaving Shed: An Examination of the  Socio-Technical System of an Experimental Automatic Loomshed." Human  Relations,, 6:297-329. Condensed, Vol. II, "Productivity and Social  Organization: An Indian Automated Weaving Shed," pp. 106-29.

_____  1958. Productivity and Social Organization: The Ahmedabad Experiment:  Technical Innovation, Work Organization and Management. London:  Tavistock Publications. Reissued 1987, New York: Garland.

______  1963. T he Enterprise and Its Environment: A System Theory of Management  Organization. London: Tavistock Publications.

Schon, D. 1971. Beyond the Stable State. London: Temple Smith.

Sheppard,  W.V. 1949. "Continuous Longwall Mining." Colliery Guardian,  178.

_______ 1951. "Continuous Longwall Mining: Experiments at  Bolsover Colliery." Colliery Guardian, 182.

Singer, E.A.  1959. Experience and Reflection, edited by C.W. Churchman.  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Smith, F. 1952. Switchboard Reorganization . London: General Post Office  (unpublished monograph).

Sommerholf, G. 1950. Analytical  Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

______ 1969. "The  Abstract Characteristics of Living Systems." In Systems Thinking:  Selected Readings, edited by F. E. Emery. Harmondsworth: Penguin  Books.

Special Task Force. 1973. Report to the Secretary of  Health, Education and Welfare on Work in America. Cambridge, Mass.:  MIT Press.

Stoelwinder, J.U. 1978. Ward Team Management: Five  Years Later. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Management and  Behavioral Science Center, Wharton School.

Stoelwinder, J.U. and  P.S. Clayton. 1978. "Hospital Organization Development: Changing the Focus  from 'Better Management' to 'Better Patient Care'." Journal of Applied  Behavioral Science, 14:400-414.

Susman, G. and E. Trist. 1977.  "An Experiment in Autonomous Working in an American Underground  Coalmine."Human Relations, 30:201- 36. Revised and expanded, Vol.  II, "Action Research in an American Underground Coal Mine," pp.  417-50.

Thorsrud, E. and F.E. Emery. 1964. Industrielt  Demokrati. Oslo: Oslo University Press. Reissued in 1969 as F.E. Emery  and E. Thorsrud, Form and Content in Industrial Democracy: Some  Experiences from Norway and Other European Countries. London:  Tavistock Publications.

______ 1969. Mot en ny  bedriftsorganisasjon. Oslo: Tanum. Reissued in 1976 as F. E. Emery and  E. Thorsrud, Democracy at Work. Leiden: Martinus  Nijhoff.

Trist, E.L. 1950a. "The Relations of Social and Technical  Systems in Coal-Mining." Paper presented to the British Psychological  Society, Industrial Section.

______ 1950b. "Culture as a  Psycho-Social Process." Paper presented to the Anthropological Section,  British Association for the Advancement of Science. Vol. I, pp.  539-45.

______ 1953a. Some Observations on the Machine Face as a  Socio-Technical System. London: Tavistock Institute Document 341  .

_______ 1953b. An Area Training School in the National Coal  Board. London: Tavistock Institute Document.

_______ 1953c. Area Organization in the National Coal Board. London: Tavistock  Institute Document.

______ 1958. "Human Relations in Industry."  Paper presented to the Seminar on Workers' Participation in Management,  Congress for Cultural Freedom, Vienna.

______ 1976a. "A Concept  of Organizational Ecology." Bulletin of National Labour Institute (New  Delhi), 12:483-96 and Australian Journal of Management, 2:  161-75.

_______ 1976b. "Action Research and Adaptive Planning." In Experimenting with Organizational Life: The Action Research  Approach, edited by A.W. Clark. London: Plenum.

_______ 1979a.  "Referent Organizations and the Development of Inter-Organizational  Domains. - Distinguished Lecture, Academy of Management 39th Annual  Convention, Organization and Management Theory  Division.

_______ 1979b. "Adapting to a Changing World." In Industrial Democracy Today, edited by G. Sanderson. New York:  McGraw-Hill-Ryerson.

_______1 98 1. "QWL and the '80s. "Closing  Address, International QWL Conference, Toronto Vol. II, pp.  338-49.

Trist, E.L. and K.W. Bamforth. 1951. "Some Social and  Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal Getting." Human Relations, 4:3-38.

Trist E.L., G.W. Higgin, H. Murray  and A.B. Pollock. 1963. Organizational Choice: Capabilities of Groups  at the Coal Face Under Changing Technologies: The Loss, Rediscovery and  Transformation of a Work Tradition. London: Tavistock Publicalions,  Reissued 1987, New York: Garland. Chapters 13, 14 revised, Vol. II,  "Alternative Work Organizations: An Exact Comparison," pp. 84-105.  Chapters 19-22, Vol, I, "The Assumption of Ordinariness as a Denial  Mechanism: Innovation and Conflict in a Coal Mine," pp.  476-93.

Trist, E.L. and H. Murray. 1958. Work Organization at  the Coal Face: A Comparative Study, of Mining Systems. London:  Tavistock Publications.

Trist, E. L., G.I. Susman and G.R. Brown.  1977. "An Experiment in Autonomous Working in an American Underground Coal  Mine." Human Relations,, 30::201-36.

van Beinum, H. 1963. Een organisatie in beweging. Leiden: Stanfert Kroese.

von  Bertalanffy, L. 1950. "The Theory of Open Systems in Physics and Biology.Ó Science 3:23-29.

Walker, C.R. H. and Guest. 1952. The Man  on the Assembly Line. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University  Press.

Walton, R.E. 1979. "Work Innovations in the United States." Harvard Business Review. 57:88-98.

Weiner, N. 1950 The  Social Psychology of Organizing. Reading, Mass.:  Addison-Wesley.

Westerlund, G. 1952. Group Leadership. Stockholm:  Nordisk Rotogravyr.

Wilson, A.T.M., E.L. Trist, F.E. Emery and K.W.  Bamforth, 1951. The Bolsover System of Continuous Mining. London:  Tavistock Institute Document.

Woodward, J. 1958. Management and  Technology. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
